The exciting process of SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process that includes optimizing your website in a way that brings your website to the 1st page of search giant Google. Many leading SEO companies used this for their business and achieved a lot through this, and the number of people looking on their website increases every day. Every single day new websites are being formed, and in the last decade, we have seen an increase of 800% increase of websites. Quality blogs and keyword research are not enough as competition levels have gone up and, hence, more challenging than ever before. To excel in this field, contacting an SEO company can help you reap its benefits in your region and get people on your website within no time. SocialHi5 has always been one of the leading companies in this field.
This title tag has been defining your pages as well as the search engine itself for years now. It tells the engine what your page is about, and your page is equally relevant to the keyword being searched for. The engine’s work is to underline the keywords that have been explored by the user from the other side, which increases the visibility of your website and the click-through rate. Most SEO experts prefer this method. Keep your title tag short, around 55 characters or less than that, and the format should be of – MAIN LONG TAIL KEYWORD / YOUR BRAND / GEOLOCATION.
You need to create original content to capture the attention of our audiences as they rule our websites; making sure to create unique content can take us a long way. We should remember that google disapproves of the overcrowding of keywords, and it may backfire, so use keywords around 3-4 times depending on the content length. Conducting internal linking for your website will drive massive traffic, and external linking tells google how highly recommended your brand is in the website market. Creating an original one is very important as Google will indeed penalize you for copy-pasting other’s content.
The concept of meta descriptions has always stood out as an essential factor in the SEO field and its ranking system. Search Engine Result Pages help users click through various websites and attract them to your listings. You need to make sure that meta descriptions are compelling, maintain the 160 character limit, and avoid duplicate meta descriptions. Always write in the way you are writing for a human as it improves the understandability quotient and avoids common quotes or non-alphabetic characters.
4. H1 TAGS
The header tag, also known as the H1 tag, consists of the main subject line of your web page. The keyword phrase should be used on the page where you wish to drive traffic and not use it more than once in your H1 tag. Partnering with any of the best digital marketing agencies can increase your chances of going up the rank market with your website on search engines.
The name of any image used is called an ‘ alt tag .’ An appropriate alt tag should be used in all images as they are suitable for accessibility and the search engine. Keeping your image files SEO-friendly is very important as well as impactful. Name in such a way that it gives a clear idea of what the image is about; usage of underscores is not encouraged and hence refrains from it.
The content that is being put up should be user-friendly, making it easier for most users to read. Ensuring that the website is neat, professional, and comfortable to use is equally important. Keep your paragraphs short over 2-3 lines; otherwise, the reader’s attention is lost in no time. Bullet and sub-points simplify your content and make it easier for the reader too, at the same time, don’t use multiple formatting points.